Published by Éditions du livre, Dans la lune depicts a lunar cycle with simplicity and elegance, proposing a sensitive progression through the lunar month with a combination of 8 colored inks.
When the moon is waxing, the edges of its white surface are overlayed with a subtle palette of tones; when it is waning, its dark side is revealed through shadowy overprints. Fanette Mellier’s work oscillates between technical constraints and experimentation, science and pure poetry. These 30 November moons coincide with the month the book was released.
- Fanette Mellier, 2022
- Publisher: Éditions du livre
- 64 pages, 21 x 20 cm, 8-color Pantone printing
- Hardcover, foil
- ISBN 979-10-90475-33-5 (Third edition)
Éditions du livre is an independent publishing house that brings out artist books for children. The poetics inherent to the manipulation of the book as an object resonates with its content. The shape of the book is its substance.